Day Something

OKay so this is been crazy.. I apologize for losing track of my daily progress.. I have been so busy I do not know if I am coming or going..  I have 2 internships, I am studying for the bar, and I am taking three LLM classes… I feel like I am still playing catchup from my father-in-laws vacation.. 

Well excuses are excuses are excuses..

So heres the thing.. although I have been silent.. I have been doing well at getting back on track.. 5 meals a day is the biggest adjustment but I am getting it done.. and I Have been keeping the promises regarding exercise.. Its been harder because I have really do not have the time but I am forcing the hour of exercise into my schedule.. I refuse to use a scale right now because I will focus on the number and now how I Feel when I am doing this.. I do not want to get discouraged like I Have in the past.

So I will be starting the daily meal plans again starting today…

Day Five

Okay so where do I start for today… I did not get anything done.. I am supposed to be studying for the bar and I am supposed to be on this big transformation journey… what I really felt like was a sleepy kid.. as I was sitting in the backseat of the car going from place to place.. I love having the my father in law in town.. but I feel like my goals are being set aside because I want to make sure he gets everything out of this visit that he wants.

Well at least my meals were close to on point.. I tried to make high protein decisions…

1. Breakfast was cereal..

2. was a hot turkey sandwich.. much smaller and a small serving of potatoes..

3. A piece of white bread with peanut butter

and 4. we went to applebees.. so I had some tortilla chips and spinach dip and about 1/2 of my chicken and pasta dish.. I only drank water throughout the day and now I am freakin exhausted.. I cannot do a 3 hr . session on con law… I just cant..

I did not get to go to the gym today… not b/c I did not want to.. just honestly got bypassed… my one goal for the day and it went right out the window.. kinda annoyed about that but what can I do…. so I came home and did the 5 minute promise.. this is the first time I have not exceeded a goal and I feel horrible.

At least I got the water in.. yay at succeeding at something..

I am still freaking out in my head that this time if going to ruin the whole journey… God I need something to show me that I am going to make it this time..